标题: 主管工作内外控倾向与职场被霸凌行为之关联:以领导情境作为调节作用
Supervisor’s Locus of Control and Being Bullied at Workplace: The Moderation of Leadership Situation
作者: 林茂旭
关键字: 内外控;职场霸凌行为;领导情境;Locus of control;Workplace bullying;Leadership situation
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究系探讨主管工作内外控倾向与职场被霸凌行为之关联,并以领导情境作为调节作用,而情导情境的有利性又分为工作结构、职权和主管与部属关系三种,假设主管为工作外控倾向时,易遭受职场被霸凌行为,若在不同的有利领导情境下,可以弱化被部属霸凌的行为,本研究挑选之研究对象,未针对任何特定族群对象,以纸本问卷施测来进行资料搜集,希望藉此瞭解一般普遍情况,共计取得102组(204份)有效问卷。分析回收的问卷资料,其结果显示:(1)主管的工作外控人格特质与遭受部属霸凌行为有正相关性;(2)领导情境之有利性,会调节工作外控倾向主管遭受霸凌的行为减弱;(3)工作结构化高对调节工作外控倾向的主管遭受霸凌行为减弱之效果未显着;(4)职权大对调节工作外控倾向的主管遭受霸凌行为减弱之效果显着;(5) 主管与部属关系良好对调节工作外控倾向的主管遭受霸凌行为减弱之效果显着。本研究之结果能够帮助企业进行人力资源管理时,针对工作外控倾向主管的遭受霸凌之行为时能够获得解决之建议,相信对于提升员工生产力、组织承诺感以及整体组织绩效而言,会有正向循环。
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship of supervisor’s locus of control and being bullied at workplace, using leadership situation as a moderator on the relationship. The favorableness of leadership situation is divided into three dimensions: task structure, position power, and leader-member relationship.
We hypothesized that supervisors’ external locus of control made them the target of bullying by their subordinates at workplace. However, the favorableness of leadership situation could attenuate the effect of external locus of control on bullying. We used questionnaires to collect data from 204 employees in different industries. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between supervisors’ external locus of control and being bullied by subordinates at workplace. The favorableness of leadership situation moderated the above relationship. Supervisors in favorable leadership situation with a stronger position power and a better leader-member relationship were less likely to be bullied even their loci of control were more externally oriented. However, the task structure of the favorableness dimension did not have a moderation effect on the relationship between locus of control and bullying.
According to the above results, when firms face the human resource management issue about subordinates’ bullying on their supervisors, the firms can help their supervisors improve the favorableness of their leadership situations in order to reduce the subordinates’ deviant behaviors. And firms can choose those with a personality of internal locus of control as supervisors in order to reduce the bullying from the lower hierarchy.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070263124