標題: 濕式洗滌塔酸氣處理效能提升 - 以某半導體廠為例
Study on Improving The Wet Scrubber Performance For Acid Gas Treatment – An Example Of a Semiconductor Factory
作者: 陳彥良
Chen, Yen-Liang
Bai, Hsun-Ling
關鍵字: 節能;酸氣洗滌;濕式洗滌塔;前處理灑水;壓損;energy conservation;wet scrubber;packed bed absorber;acid gas treatment;pressure drop
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 由於環境污染日趨惡化,加上近年來環保意識抬頭,各界對於污染管制紛紛提高標準,工廠廢氣的排放也受到關注。對企業而言,除了必須遵守空氣污染法規的要求外,如何在資源有限的情況下降低廢氣的排放量、改善防制設備以發揮最大效益,更是重要的任務。 本研究以提升酸性廢氣處理設備之效能及降低其運轉成本為目的,共進行了五項研究工作,在處理效能提升的結果顯示,應用前處理水洗之概念,於前端高濃度製程廢氣設置小型濕式洗滌塔進行水洗,並在風管處設置灑水設施,能有效提升濕式洗滌塔對於F-、Cl-處理能力約10~30%;於臥式洗滌塔內部配置循環灑水管路,並於塔體底部兩側配置保養孔,可減少污泥淤積量及淤積速度,並能在不停機的狀態下進行保養作業;而隔絕濕式洗滌塔的透光率,降低塔內菌種滋生的速度,可減緩塔內壓損並可延長保養週期;在降低運轉成本的結果顯示,於風車葉輪上方裝設灑水裝置,可改善結晶物附著的情形,提升風車的運轉效能及降低運轉成本;另拆除濕式洗滌塔前後不必要的設計,如逆止風門等,可降低其運轉壓損,節省操作成本。
Following the trend of eco-conscious, more people pay attention to environmental issues in recent years, the environmental pollution led government to increase restrain on emission standard of industrial air pollution. For enterprises, they must comply with regulation requirements. In addition, how to reduce exhaust emissions with limited resources and improve the performance of control equipments is an important task of the industry. The purpose of this study is to enhance the performance of acid exhaust treatment equipments and reduce their operating costs by performing five research tasks. This study utilizes the concept of pre-washing in order to enhance the treatment efficiency. By setting sprinklers in the pipe, the emission concentrations of F- and Cl- at the stack exit were reduced by about 10 to 30%. By configuring the cycle sprinkler piping on the inside of horizontal scrubber and installed maintenance hole on either sides of the bottom of scrubber, it could reduce the accumulation of sludge sedimentation and still could be maintained when the equipment was continuously in operation. The growth speed of the bacteria on the inside of scrubbers could be weaken by isolating the light transmittance of wet scrubbers, thereby reducing obstructions in the scrubber and extending the periodicity of maintenance. And by setting sprinklers above the windmill impeller in order to improve the crystal adhesion situation, it could help to improve the windmill operating efficiency and reduce its operating cost. And demolition of non-essential parts around wet scrubbers such as check damper could reduce the operating pressure loss and saving operating costs.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070161018