標題: 7,7”-dimethoxyagastisflavone 抑制黑色素瘤細胞 在腫瘤發展上的生物活性
The bioactivities of 7,7”-dimethoxyagastisflavone for the suppression on tumor progression of melanoma cells
作者: 林靜敏
Lin, Ching-Min
Liao, Kuang-Wen
關鍵字: 黑色素瘤;腫瘤轉移;雙黃酮化合物;肌動蛋白絲聚合作用;melanoma;metastasis;biflavonoid;F-actin polymerization
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 黃酮類化合物已有大量研究顯示其具有抗癌的潛力,根據結構的特性可再細分為不同的類別。7,7”-dimethoxyagastisflavone (DMGF)是雙黃酮化合物,屬於黃酮類化合物的其中一種,目前研究僅展現其具有抑制黃麴毒素產生及抗病毒的生物活性。根據本實驗室先前研究,我們發現DMGF在低濃度的劑量下即可造成A549肺癌細胞、HT29結腸直腸癌細胞和HepG2肝癌細胞死亡。然而,DMGF對於腫瘤發展時期,包含腫瘤增生,血管新生作用和腫瘤轉移的生物活性並未有太多討論。因此本研究主要目的為探討DMGF在腫瘤發展時期的生物活性,研究內容的第一部分目標是討論DMGF對於抑制腫瘤血管新生及腫瘤轉移的可行性和機制,第二部分目標則是討論DMGF抑制腫瘤增生的能力和機制。綜合以上研究成果顯示DMGF未來作為抗癌藥物的潛力。
Flavonoids have shown an excellent antitumor activity. Based on their structures, they can be divided into several subgroups. 7,7”dimethoxyagastisflavone (DMGF), belongs to the biflavonoid group of flavonoids. In our laboratory, we found DMGF could induce cell death on A549 lung cancer cells, HT29 colon cancer cells and HepG2 hepatic cancer cell at lower dosage. However, the activities of DMGF on tumor progression, including proliferation, angiogenesis and metastasis is still not clear. Thus, the aim in this study is to investigate the bioactivities of DMGF for the suppression on tumor progression. Section one is to evaluate the effects and mechanisms of DMGF on tumor angiogenesis and metastasis, and section two is to demonstrate the ability of DMGF on tumor proliferation. Therefore, this study of DMGF can provide an insight on the potency as a chemotherapy drug.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079929802