標題: 營建業安全氣候及安全績效之關聯性研究-以科學工業園區某公共工程為例
Safety Climate and Safety Performance Relationship-A Case of Public Construction in Science Park
作者: 黃正賢
Chen, Chun-Sung
Hung, Shih-Lin
關鍵字: 安全氣候安全績效;Safety Climate and Safety Performanc
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 營造業具有流動性大、安全風險性高等特性,如何降低營造業職業災害成為刻不容緩之議題,因此提升營造業從業者的整體安全;安全氣候及安全績效的研究就顯得特別重要。 本研究使用問卷調查的方式進行資料的收集,使用SPSS統計軟體、敘述性分析、信度分析、單因子變異係數分析、皮爾森基差分析等進行探討探討營造業安全氣候及安全績效之關連性。 研究顯示安全氣候與安全績效呈現高度正相關,單因子變異係數分析 個人變項「安全訓練次數」、「年資」、「性別」、「職稱」等,對安全安全氣候及安全績效亦有顯著性差異。依據分析結果與以往研究進行綜合性討論,據以改善營造業安全文化及提供未來研究之參考。
The construction industry has the characteristics of and mobility and a The construction industry has the characteristics of and mobility and high risk , how to reduct the accident rate is now an urgent issue in disaster prevention.It is necessary to enhance the safety climate and safety performance are especially importance. For investigating the safety climate and safety performance,This research collect information by the questionnaire survey .Data processing and analysis was conducted using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) descriptive statistics, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient. The results show that safety climate has a significant influence on safety performance.Both One-Way ANOVA“times of employee’s safety training”and “positions”analysis showed also a significant relationship between safety climate and safety performance . The research consider the results of analyzed to discussed with past were fully discussed the conclusion is encouraging for promotion of safety and future study.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070061201