标题: TFT-LCD CELL厂内异常品质管制系统之建置-以A公司为例
Establishing a TFT-LCD CELL Factory Abnormal Quality Control System- A Case on Company A
作者: 徐俊杰
关键字: 异常品质管理;专案系统;系统化流程;Abnormal Quality Management;Project System;Systematic process
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 在企业管理各相关学说发展愈趋成熟之趋势下,各企业管理者皆已深知品质管理对于企业发展之重要性,并已于企业中纷纷导入品质管理的相关制度及训练课程。在预先规划相关流程及预防对策之实施下,企业虽确实能够降低品质成本之支出及品质异常之发生,但对于异常品质管控之即时处理因应,却是目前在相关文献上及产业实务上较容易被忽视之要点;本研究即以TFT-LCD面板制造厂A厂为研究实例,该厂经常发生品质异常,但针对异常品资讯传递仅使用公司NOTES系统信件往返联系各相关单位,造成各处置单位遗漏资讯等情况。本研究为TFT-LCD面板制造厂A厂建置异常品质管控流程管理系统,除使其品质异常情形及建议处理方式可即时经由透明化之共同平台进行纪录及资讯传递,透由此系统亦可确保各相关单位能够在第一时间内即时获知异常情形,并以最佳处理方式即时因应,以减少后段制程之良率冲击与客诉比率,而对于类似品质异常管控之追朔、或是即时防堵因应对策之研拟,亦可透过此电子化系统获得最具参考价值之即时资讯。
In the tread of the mature development for the related theory about business management, managers have already experienced for the business development how important quality management is and they also establish related regulations and training courses. Although to plan related process flow and preventing strategy in advance what is discussed frequently in the literature can reduce the cost related to the abnormal quality, the immediate response and handling for the situation with abnormal quality are always ignored in the literature. This research take TFT-LCD manufacturer company A as a real case to study. The situation with abnormal quality sometimes occurred in TFT-LCD manufacturer company A, and the related information was transferred by mail what made the duty department always miss the important information in the process. In this research, we recommend and help company A to build a Factory Abnormal Quality Control system to control and record the related information and the way how to handle the situation with abnormal quality. Through the establishment of the system, we make sure the related duty department can get the immediate information and propose the best solution to handle the abnormal situation, and furthermore we can also trace the abnormal handling progress and check if there is any relevant or similar abnormal case on the system.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070263307