標題: 網頁設計之使用者經驗分析模型
User eXperience Analysis Model for Web Design
作者: 林起
Chi, Lin
關鍵字: 使用者經驗;資料探勘;網頁設計;User experiences;Web design;Data mining
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 在網站設計中, User experience(UX)和其中的Usability變得越來 越重要。在網站上線前, UX設計師會進行嚴謹的Usability Testing來瞭解網站的Usability。然而, 因為時間和預算的限制, UX設計師無法進行足夠完整的Usability Testing, 也無法對每一類 型的使用者做測試。為了解決測試者多樣性和數量不足的問題,有些UX設計師會利用Web Analytic工具來收集已上線的網站使用者行為。但多數的Web Analytic工具都只提供數據的收集和統計,缺乏像Usability Testing一樣以任務目標為導向的分析。為了考量到測試者的數量和多樣性以及得 到任務為導向的分析數據,我們提出使用者經驗分析模型(UXAM)。這個 模型可以分為兩個階段,包括特色抽取及特色分析。在特色抽取階段中, UXAM會把網站產生出的使用者請求記錄轉化成使用者路徑記錄,接著找出這些使用者路徑的特徵。然後,UXAM會根據這些特徵將這些使用者路徑進 行分群。在特色分析階段中,我們則會分析這些已分群的使用者路徑,判 斷其Usability的好與壞。在論文的後半部分,我們進行了一個實驗來分析某國立大學人事室網頁的Usability。實驗結果證實,UXAM可以找出網頁連結之間的關係,建議網頁或連結應該放置的位置、建議可以合併的網頁或連結。在論文的最後,我們利用UXAM所提出的改善建議,重新設計該人事室網頁,以期得到較好的Usability。
User experience (UX), especially usability, becomes more and more important when designing a website. Before launching a website, UX designers conduct ‘Usability Testing’ to estimate the usability of the website. Due to the limitation of budget and time, ‘Usability Testing’ hardly covers the variety of subjects. After launching the website, some UX designers adopt Web Analytic tools to collect user behaviour, but most Web Analytic tools only provide statistics rather than goal-oriented data analysis. To solve the above challenges, we propose a User eXperience Analysis Model (UXAM) to provide goal-oriented data analysis by considering the variety of subjects. UXAM consists of two phases: Feature Extraction and Feature Analysis. In the Feature Extraction phase, UXAM converts the user logs of a website into sessions, exploits the features of each session, and classifies the sessions into different session groups according to their features. During the Feature Analysis phase, UXAM estimates the usability of each session groups and gives suggestions to improve the usability of the website. We conduct experiments to evaluate the usability of the personnel website of a university in Taiwan. The experiments show that UXAM can figure out the relationship among links of the navigation menu. With the suggestions given by UXAM, an administrator can place a web link at a proper place and merge some pages or links to eliminate the complication of a web page. The thesis is concluded with a new web page redesigned with the suggestions given by UXAM.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070160063