標題: 台灣電信業者可借鏡之商業模式研究
An analysis of business model for Taiwan telecom operators
作者: 陳信弘
Chen, Hsin-Hung
關鍵字: 商業模式;電信運營商;KDDI;台灣大哥大;Business Model;telecom operator;KDDI;Taiwan Mobile
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 在過去的數十年商業經驗中, 可以了解到商業的核心價值即是永遠都在變化. 現今的商業環境在西元兩千年後, 透過網路的蓬勃發展, 巨大的被科技給重新定義了. 綜合觀察過去幾十年的商業環境, 可以發現網路透過越來越多的移動裝置和應用來改變了我們與社交網絡之間的溝通與互動的方式. 電信運營商最早是由電報開始, 透過電話, 手機到智能手機來優化我們溝通的方式. 電信產業在上個世紀的最後二十年並未有太大的變化直到手機的問世, 並因為越來越多的運用被導入智能手機而蓬勃發展. 然而, 透過逐漸下降的重要營運利潤指標可以發現這並未給電信運營商帶來長久輝煌的歲月 本文預期能透過討論比較台灣標竿電信運營台灣大哥大與日本標竿電信營運商 KDDI營運模式的不同, 比較KDDI如何能在同時維持營收成長與稅前息前折攤前獲利(Earning Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization, 下稱EBITDA)與稅前息前折攤前獲利率(EBITDA Margin)的商業模式中找出一個可供參考的商業模式, 並透過在商業模式中各個關鍵因素的討論來找到可讓台灣的運營商可因地制宜做改變的模式來優化運營商的營運與民眾的生活品質.
As we learn from business practices in past decades, the core of business is it is always changing. The business environment changes dramatically and is disrupted by technology from year 2000, with the aid of internet. By the observation in last decades, it especially disrupts the way we communicate and interact with our social network through different mobile devices and applications. Telecom operator evolves from optimizing the way we communicate, starts from telegraph, telephone, mobile phone to smart phone. This industry has been calm for decades in last century until the introduction of mobile phone and starts to booming after more and more mobile applications are implemented into smart phone that accelerates the penetration of smart phone recent years. However, it doesn’t bring the bright time that could be observed by declining key operational profitability metrics. This article targets to find a reference business model to support long-term business operation for local telecom operators by discussing different key building blocks from Japanese operator, KDDI that performs continuously revenue growth with keeping EBITDA (Earning Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization) and EBITDA margin and local operator, Taiwan Mobile. It would be great to have local operators refer this business model and design own one to fit local culture and policy to optimizing operation and benefit local people.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353003
Appears in Collections:Thesis