標題: 數位金融時代之行動支付個案研究
Mobile Payments–A Case Study of T Bank
作者: 林思翰
Lin, Szu-Han
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 數位金融;Bank 3.0;行動支付;Digital Finance;Bank 3.0;Mobile Payment
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 眼見國際金融數位化浪潮來襲,金融監督管理委員會積極打造數位金融環境(Bank 3.0),期望讓台灣的金融業國際化、數位化、網路化及行動化,使金融機構能提供企業及個人更完善的金融服務,金融監督管理委員會自2015年起積極推動「打造數位化金融環境3.0」計畫,於普及行動支付面向鼓勵金融機構積極推展各項行動支付服務,因此2015年被視為台灣的行動支付元年,支付原為銀行的核心業務,行動支付更是銀行發展Bank 3.0的必要途徑,然而各類業者如電信公司、遊戲公司、電商公司、社群軟體均欲加入行動支付領域,搶食市場大餅,行動支付之模式、機制、技術亦未標準化,銀行業者如何因應市場環境提供行動支付服務,在數位金融時代憑藉何種資源、能力發展差異化之行動支付以保有競爭優勢,行動支付之商業模式如何規劃,在發展過程中面臨何種困難及挑戰,如何因應處理,遂引發本研究探討動機。 本研究透過文獻分析法、深度訪談,以了解行動支付市場整體趨勢、個案銀行行動支付發展策略、行動支付發展過程所面臨問題及挑戰、個案銀行未來規劃等,最後就數位金融時代銀行業發展相關金融業務之管理議題進行闡述,本研究管理意涵如下: 一、數位金融時代商業模式著重平台各邊用戶互動,以建構數位支付生態系統 二、重視數位金融人才培育及引進 三、設置數位金融專職部門以及顧客長,發展以顧客為中心的服務體驗 四、延伸現有資源優勢,發展金融科技 五、加快數位金融規劃佈局及建置腳步
With the advent of global digital financial services, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) actively builds the digital financial environment (Bank 3.0) with an aim to internationalize, digitize and mobilize the financial industry in Taiwan. As a result, the year 2015 has been deemed as the starting year of mobile payment era. Payment is originally the core business of banks, and mobile payment is the only way for banks to develop Bank 3.0. Nevertheless, other types of businesses such as telecommunication, gaming business, E-commerce business and social media business attempt the competition and sharing of this market. Since the modes, mechanisms and technologies are not standardized, the difficulties and challenges throughout development, and the ways to handle problems of the bank can be the major issues, thus motivating our study. With literature review and in-depth dialogues to capture the trend and strategy of banks’ mobile payment, problems and challenges faced in the mobile payment development, future plans for the bank. Our findings of Bank T case study has the following findings: I. To construct digital payment ecosystem, effective business model focuses on the interaction between users from each side of the platform. II. To emphasis on nurturing and development of digital finance talents. III.To set up dedicated departments and Chief Customer Officer (COO) to enhance customer-centricity in service experiences. IV. To extend existing resources and develop new financial technology. V. To accelerate strategic planning and build up digital channels for finance services.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363705