Title: 科技中介於骨科3D列印之應用
Technology Intermediation for the 3D Printing Artificial Orthopedics
Authors: 陳奕琦
Chen, Yi-Chi
Shyu,Joseph Z
Keywords: 生產性服務業;3D列印;骨科;R&D中介服務;創新密集服務分析模式;知識密集服務;Producer services;3D Printing;Artificial Orthopedics;R&D intermediation;IIS Model
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究應用創新密集服務分析模式架構,分析對象為3D列印骨科醫材之研發中介服務。本研究欲探討如何透過研發中介服務者進行協助3D列印骨科醫材的研發與製造,提升醫療效率、效能以及醫療客製化程度。3D列印醫材之研發中介為專業知識涵量高、技術複雜度高、跨領域整合度高的新興科技服務產業,具備知識密集型服務業特性,適合利用本研究所採用的創新密集服務平台模式來分析。 以內部服務價值活動與外部資源涵量為兩大主體分析構面進行各項因子的處理與說明,推論出創新密集服務業的內外部需求條件。在內部服務價值活動的分析中,探討在服務設計、測試認證、行銷、配銷、售後服務、支援活動六大類內部核心能力及其特性,並根據不同屬性,進行企業策略矩陣定位與評量分析。在外部資源涵量的分析中,強調外部專業能量的掌握,探討在互補資源、研究發展、技術、製造、服務、市場、其他使用者等七大類外部資源涵量及其特性,並根據不同屬性,進行企業策略矩陣定位與評量分析;以四種客製化程度與五種創新方式所構成的4X5 矩陣進行分析,藉由結合兩大主體的差異分析了解未來策略發展趨勢。 研究結果顯示,發展3D列印骨科醫療器材之研發中介服務業,目前定位於「產品創新之選擇型服務」,未來(5~10年)策略定位為「流程創新之選擇服務」、「流程創新之專屬服務」。服務價值活動以「測試認證」、「行銷」、「配銷」、「售後服務」、及「支援活動」為重要核心構面;外部資源涵量以「技術」、「服務」為首要核心構面,「研究發展」、「製造」、「其他使用者」為次要核心構面。3D列印醫材產業正剛起步,各界共識尚待凝聚,流程創新之選擇型服務是3D列印骨科醫療之研發中介服務商進入產業的首要選擇。
This thesis reports on an analysis of operating strategy of R&D intermediation for the 3D Printing Artificial Orthopedics industry based on the model of innovation intensive services (IIS).By structuring a 4x5 matrix, encompassing four service packages and five innovation modes, we elucidated the strategic positioning and future development trend of the industry. It was found that core competence and externalities required to compete effectively are determined in the industry. The model respectively dissects four influential factors of industrial environments and technological systems at the industry-level analysis to verify the requirements of industrial innovation system. IIS Matrix will help deduce critical elements of industrial environment and technological systems at the industry level by strategic positioning and KSFs in the firm level. The requirements of industrial environment and technological systems will be consolidated into the industrial innovation systems by using the IIS approach. Results showed that in the R&D intermediation for the 3D Printing Artificial Orthopedics industry, the future trend needs to be moved to “Selective Service / Process Innovation” and “Unique Service / Process Innovation” .The critical competences in these positions include “validation”, “marketing”, “delivery”, “after service”, and “supporting activities” and the externalities include “R&D”, “technology”, “production”, “service” and “other users”.The industry is still in its infancy stage; selective service and process innovation is the vendors’ first step to become a member of R&D intermediation for the 3D Printing Artificial Orthopedics industry.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353523
Appears in Collections:Thesis