標題: 觸覺風格與意象
A Study on Tactile Image and Style
作者: 陳勇廷
Chen, Yung-Ting
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
關鍵字: 觸覺風格與意象;訪談法;語意差異法;因子分析;集群分析;SEM結構方程模式;tactile style and image;interviews;semantic differential method;factor analysis;factor analysis;structural equation modeling
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 透過觸覺感受,人們得以深刻地感知生活周遭的事物,並建立感官經驗,特別是有關產品的使用與所接觸的材料質感。本研究以三個階段的調查與實驗逐步探討人的觸覺感受特性與表達方式、具代表性的產品設計風格、設計風格的感受意象、風格的代表刺激及刺激項目的物理特徵屬性等,以建立人的觸覺風格。而研究最終目的在探討與調查觸覺風格與其感受意象所對應的觸覺物理特徵之關係,以此建構出觸覺風格的整體架構。 研究探討首先於階段一中,透過文獻探討與前測匯整相關資料與建構訪談工具,以焦點訪談進行6位盲人與5位觸覺敏銳之視覺正常者的訪談調查。訪談過程提供51種不同物理特徵的觸覺刺激樣本,在排除視覺的條件下,進行提供觸覺刺激的訪談以獲得廣泛的感受表達語彙。結果以Krippendorff所提出的五種感官經驗描述類別進行分類整理,各類別以KJ法進行內容的整理與歸納。最終建構出人的觸覺感受意象表達語彙清單與觸覺刺激樣本清單。 於階段二中進行11位專家的訪談調查,收集與彙整感受表現強烈的產品設計風格,並以KJ法進行內容分群整併,建構出後續實驗評估所需的刺激與量尺。其結果與第一階段的成果彙整,獲得12項代表性風格概念、35個代表性產品與37個代表性材料樣本,以及21對可用以評估跨感官意象的感受語彙對。接著,進行45位受測者(15位具有設計背景、15位無設計背景以及15位盲人受測者)的語意差異法(semantic differential method)評估。實驗以七點量尺進行三種刺激的SD評估:1)風格概念評估;2)風格的代表產品圖片的視覺評估;3)代表性材料樣本的觸覺評估。彙整評估數據後,以因子分析與集群分析整理出7種具代表性的觸覺風格,各風格皆有對應的感受意象與刺激樣本。 最後於階段三中匯整階段二所獲得之研究成果,進行觸覺刺激樣本之形態分析,獲得3客觀量測與7項主觀判定的物理特徵數值。以此物理特徵與觸覺感受因子與感受意象,進行感性工學的分析。本階段以相關分析、SEM結構方程模型分析,建構出觸覺風格中其與意象所對應的觸覺物理特徵屬性。 本研究結果可建立觸覺風格與意象的基礎架構,各階段的研究成果,可作為未來進行相關觸覺研究的參考。對設計師而言,本研究於材料、質感與感受之間的相關性,可協助設計師於產品設計時,作為選用合適材質與材料的參考,以營造對應的觸覺感受。
Through the tactile sensation, people can perceive objects around their everyday life and build their sensory experience about using and textile on a product. This study conducted three-step survey and experiment to explore the tactile style and image. In this study, we firstly conducted focus interview. Six blind and 5 normal interviewees were recruited in the interview. In each interview session, the interviewee was guided and encouraged by the interviewer to exhaustedly describe his/her tactile feeling on freely touching the reference samples only, without the aid of vision. This study also collected 51 samples of various textures, based on literature review and pilot study, to be used as stimuli reference in the interview to evoke interviewees’ tactile feeling and experience. Finally, we constructed a list of tactile vocabularies and samples as reference in next step experiment. And then, we conducted interview on 11 design experts for identifying visually distinct design styles of product as references for tactile styles. Seven design styles were identified. The descriptions on design styles of design experts were then coded and sorted by the KJ method to result a set of 28 pairs of Image words as evaluating scale for semantic differential (SD) evaluation. Those findings integrated the results from first step then this study obtained 12 styles and 21 image pairs as evaluation stimuli and scales. These design experts were also asked to figure out representative products for each design style. Thirty five representative products, 5 products for each of 7 styles, were summarized. These representative products were prepared as visual stimuli of pictures. A comprehensive set of 37 material samples were also prepared as tactile stimuli. Finally, 45 subjects were recruited for a SD survey by using a 7-point scale to evaluate three sets of stimuli: concept of 12 styles by thinking, 35 product pictures by seeing and 37 tactile samples by touching, on each of the 21 Image scales. The data collected in the SD survey were analyzed by using factor analysis and cluster analysis. Finally, we used structural equation modeling analysis to figure out the correlation between physical properties and tactile images and construct the model of tactile style and image. The result of the investigation can help researchers to further understand the tactile style and to treat it as a useful reference for relative studies, while it can help designers to design products with demanded tactile feeling.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079742803
Appears in Collections:Thesis