標題: 以個案分析觀點探討 台達電子倂購乾坤科技之綜效
A Case Study:The Synergy Effect of Delta’s Acquisition of Cyntec
作者: 劉彥廷
Liu, Yen-Ting
Liu, Zhu
關鍵字: 電源供應器產業;併購;垂直整合;綜效;財務分析;Power Suppliers;Merge and Acquisition;Vertical Integration;Synergy;Financial Analysis
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本研究以台達電子倂購乾坤科技的個案探討併購案之綜效與成本效益。2009年電源供應器龍頭廠台達電收購被動元件廠乾坤科技,解決了原本台達電需透過外部供應商購置零件所產生的問題,不僅藉由垂直整合降低材料成本,再加上乾坤科技原為國內被動元件龍頭大廠,產品及技術無人能取代,台達電經由併購乾坤增加技術含量,有效整合電源產品領域的專業技術資源,以擴大營運規模及提升營運效率,並提供客戶更完整的製程服務及品質控管。併購至今已經過六年,台達電近幾年不管在獲利能力、股價及市占率都有很亮麗的表現。 近年來台達電更持續深耕資通訊工業、汽車及消費性電子等產業,更積極進入雲端應用、醫療照護、電動車、LED照明及智慧家庭等新應用領域。台達電積極落實品牌承諾"Smarter. Greener. Together. ",堅持「環保、節能、愛地球」的企業經營使命,致力於「節能、創能、轉能與儲能」四大核心事業,透過購併、轉投資方式,建構完整的綠能科技供應鏈,持續居於國內電子零組件龍頭的地位。
This research focuses on the case study of the synergy effect of Delta’s acquisition of Cyntec . In 2009, Delta, the leading company of power suppliers, merged and acquired Cyntec which leaded the passive component industry . Delta decreased the cost of components, raised technical content and resources , expanded the scale of operations , enhanced the operational efficiency and provided better quality control through the merge and acquisition. And now, Delta has brilliant performance in profitability, stock price and market shares. In these years, Delta continuously devotes to the industry of information communication technology, automotive and consumer electronics, cloud applications, healthcare, electric cars, LED etc. Delta, the leading company of power suppliers, commits the advancement of power and electronics technology to provide “smarter” products with high efficiency and constructs complete supply chain of green energy technology.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363019