Title: 探討個人調節焦點在訊息框架與心理距離之交互作用,對於產品偏好之影響
The Effect of Regulatory Focus, Message Framing and Construal Level on Product Preference
Authors: 江佳潔
Chiang, Chia-Chieh
Tang, Ying-Chan
Keywords: 調節焦點;框架效應;解釋水平理論;時間距離;Regulatory Focus;Framing;Construal Level Theory;Temporal Distance
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本篇論文研究的目的在於探討調節焦點、訊息框架以及時間距離,兩兩之間以及三者的交互作用效果對於產品偏好的影響。當不同個人調節焦點的受測者,在面對相同的產品或服務時,對於正負面的資訊的處理方式會有所不同,在不同時間距離上對產品或服務的偏好也會不一樣。透過調節焦點與訊息框架配適性 (Regulatory-Frame Fit),可以假設促進/預防焦點的人,接收正向/負向訊息框架時,會增加對產品的偏好。另外再利用調節解釋水平配適 (Regulatory Construal Fit),可以推論促進/預防焦點的人,在面對時間距離遠/近的決策時,會增加對產品的偏好。因此本論文推論調節焦點、訊息框架、時間距離三者之間也會存在配適性。
The goal of research is to investigate how regulatory focus, framing and temporal distance two- way and three-way interaction affect the product persuasion and preference. According to “Regulatory-Frame Fit”, we assume promotion/prevention focused individuals are likely to have more favorable product preference when accepting gain/loss frame messages. Furthermore, based on “Regulatory Construal Fit”, we assume that promotion/prevention focused individuals are likely to have more favorable product preference when facing distant/proximal scenario. Therefore, this research assumes among these three will also exist “Fit”.

We design an experiment with four scenario to test the hypothesis. A total of 362 valid samples are collected, and the experiment is analyzed by ANOVA. Finally, the target in this research is insurance, a risk-related product. The result of this research can provide insurance industry or other similar property company with more customized or precise marketing strategy.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353722
Appears in Collections:Thesis