Title: 應用模板匹配於物聯網自動化測試之研究
Template matching Applied to IOT automation test
Authors: 林辰穎
Lin, Chen-Ying
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
Keywords: 自動化測試系統;自動化測試;模板匹配;automation test system;template match;app automation test
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 由於物聯網的時代來臨,許多物聯網產品如雨後春筍般的出現。再加上市面競爭激烈,產品開發週期變短,自動化測試便成為一個可以輔助測試人員測試產品的好工具。然而不同於以往直接從電腦圖形介面或是命令列下指令,有許多物聯網產品已經改從手機 APP 控制。目前雖然已經有許多研究 APP 自動化測試的論文,若需要提升整體自動化測試涵蓋率,仍需整合 APP 和物聯網裝置行為的測試案例。而目前市面上手機的鏡頭技術已經十分發達,若是可以結合模板匹配和 APP 自動化測試。則可以進一步經由“看”的方法統整物聯網裝置的測試案例,使自動化測試的涵蓋率可以增加。因此本研究在自動化測試上使用 Appium 框架控制手機達到控制 APP 及使用手機取得影像,並以模板匹配方法判斷裝置行為是否正確。
本研究將以兩個市面上產品為例進行數個實驗。首先以雲端智慧插座為例。模擬當 APP 顯示插座有通電但是事實上卻沒通電的測試案例。接下來計算可提升多少涵蓋率。再以雲端智慧攝影機為例,判斷是否雲端智慧攝影機畫面是否有持續錄影。藉由本例子,本論文將會使用此研究討論具備適當的模板影像以及目標影像,可將模板匹配應用在物聯網自動化測試上,並進行長時間測試。最後和 SIFT 進行比較,可證明模板匹配較適用於物聯網自動化測試上。
There will be a growing number of IoT products nowadays that causes fiercely competitive market cutting product development time. Thus, automation test plays an important role to help QA engineers to do their test more efficiently. Today, many IoT products can monitor and control devices from smartphone app that is quite different from CLI (Command Line Interface) and GUI (Graphic User Interface) being used before. Smartphone-app control also comes along with a lot of app automation test researches. Therefore, I integrated Template matching technique with app automation test to test IoT devices by seeing. This method lets test coverage to increase. From this research, I used Appium controlling app and the phone to get the image and then do image matching to verify behavior of the devices.
The experiments are conducted by two products- smart plug and home camera. One example of the former is that when app shows the plug is turned on, but actually
is not. The test can calculate the coverage by this case. Another example of the latter, the home camera, is to check if the screen keeps on video recording. The goal of this research is to observe good template image and target image applying template matching to IoT automation test for a long period of time. And then to compare template matching with SIFT in order to prove that template matching is more suitable for IoT automation test.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356813
Appears in Collections:Thesis