Title: 試建構華人區精神健康與心身醫療互聯網之 研究—以EMBA學員為對象
A Pilot Study on Construction Mental Health and Psychosomatic Medical Service Internet for Taiwanese and Chinese District-Focus on EMBA Members
Authors: 許正典
Hsu, Cheng-Dien
Yang, Chyan
Hu, Jin-Li
Keywords: 精神健康;心身醫學;壓力;醫療互聯網;Mental health;Psychosomatic medicine;Stress;Medical service internet
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 台灣醫療發展迄今已經是世界各國的奇蹟,更是華人及亞洲地區的典範;而網際網路醫療健康服務平台已是投資熱點及明日之星,移動醫療及醫聯網服務更是促進產業升級及調整經濟結構的主要推力。而在所有醫療專科領域中,隨著快速變遷的產業解構和極不穩定的政經社會巨大衝擊下,精神疾病和心理障礙的盛行率是不斷提高,對於精神健康和心身醫療的服務需求更是愈來愈殷切,但能充分滿足的相關互聯網醫療並不多見。 本研究旨在探討精神健康和心身醫療服務對於壓力評估和調適的介入處理影響。並嘗試創建新的精神健康和心身醫療的網際網路服務平台。主要研究有三: 1、了解EMBA學員壓力認知和調適現況;2、分析EMBA學員對於精神醫療和心身醫療健康服務的意願、接受度及滿意度。3、創建確實連結精神醫療和心身醫療健康互聯網的分析和架構。 本研究的進行係以交大歷屆EMBA校友會及在學生為研究母體,共收集113位為有效研究樣本,相關研究問卷則以自創的「壓力大調查」 為量測工具再以三方向「壓力評估」、「壓力調適」、「精神健康及心身醫療服務」需求,來做相關連結的調查。而問卷所獲得的數據資料係以敘述統計方式來進行相關的研究分析。 最後本研究有以下主要發現:1. EMBA校友及在學生(以下簡稱EMBA學員)超過五成比例處在壓力偏大或很大的狀態,顯示現階段潛在精神健康的風險偏高2.相關壓力症候群的表現則以疲勞和情緒不佳為主,再加上工時及工作負擔亦為明顯壓力來源,顯示EMBA學員壓力調適未臻理想。3.精神健康和心身醫療服務以「精神或心理健檢」最受青睞,顯示EMBA學員普遍認為自身或員工有接受精神健康和心理評估的重要性;4.有近6成的EMBA 員認為花費超過1%的營運成本用來維護精神健康是可以接受的,大大增強了推動相關醫聯網服務是有其市場性及未來性。最後則是針對總體研究成果,提出結論和展望,以作為創建精神健康和心身醫療互聯網服務平台的重要參考依據。
The development of Medical Healthcare in Taiwan is not only the miracle of worldwide countries but also the model of Chinese and Asian district. Now the Medical Health Service Internet becomes the hot investment and the future industry, mobile health and Internet of Medical service are the engine of industrial upgrading and structural modification. Otherwise, the more progressive change are not in modern society and developed country, the higher prevalence of psychiatric disorder and mental disables are known to interfered individuals and group function. So the demand for mental health and psychosomatic medicine are getting urgency and necessary, but the few related Mental Health Service internet are well-known and satisfied for solution and management. The research was to study how does Mental Health and Psychosomatic Medical Service to enhance the stress assessment and management. By the way, this study tried to establish the new medical service internet model for mental health and psychosomatic medicine. The purpose of this study was to investigate (1) the realistic stress cognition and coping skill of EMBA members; (2) the analysis of EMBA member’s motivation, acceptance and satisfaction for mental health and psychosomatic medical service; (3) the attempts for establishment of structure and model to connect mental health and psychosomatic medical service internet. The data of this study was focused on National Chiao Tung University EMBA graduates and students and out of a total of 216 questionnaires sent out then 113 responses were received. This questionnaires were designed originally for〝Major Assessment of Stress〞and divided to three parts : Stress coping, stress assessment, and demand for mental health and psychosomatic medical service. The data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed through descriptive statistic by Survey Monkey Internet Questionnaire Company. The results of the study proposed propositions and concluded that: (1) Over 50% EMBA members suffer from high stress or very high stress state, and they also have high risk explosive of mental health threatening. (2) These are prominent work loading and worktime stress to induce related stress syndromes such as fatigue cruel depressed mood that revealed unsatisfied stress coping and management during EMBA members; (3) The “Mental and Psychological Heal check-up “ was the most popular psychosomatic medical service in EMBA members, and they also recognized the importance and necessity for Mental health check-up (assessment) for themselves and their company’s employees, (4) Over 1% management cost for maintenance of mental health was well-accepted in near 60% EMBA members. It revealed the market and the future to promote and establish the mental health service internet. Finally we concluded our research results and provided our foresight, to attempt to establish the new internet medical service for mental health and psychosomatic medicine.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363009
Appears in Collections:畢業論文