标题: 俱学习机制之车道线侦测与追踨方法
A Novel Learning-Based Method for Lane Line Detection and Tracking
作者: 柯和昌
Ko, Ho-Chang
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
关键字: 影像分析;车道侦测;深度学习;Image analysis;Lane detection;Learning-based
公开日期: 2016
摘要:   近年来交通事故频繁,大部分车祸发生的原因主要由于驾驶者分心、疲劳驾驶或不注意车况等不当驾驶行为所引起。因此,如何利用现代科技让驾驶者能更安全地驾驶车辆就变得越来越受重视,其中最普遍的一种方法就是车道偏移系统(LDWS),靠着电脑快速运算,让车辆可以认知本身所在的车道位置,并且分析判断当下是否安全,若是已偏移车道时,可以发出警告提醒驾驶者车况,以避免车祸发生。而车道偏移系统最重要的部份就是车道侦测,本论文主要研究利用前置、单镜头行车纪录器取得之车前路面影像,透过深度学习之分析方法来侦测车道资讯。
In recent years, traffic accidents are happening frequently. Most accidents occurred are due to improper driving behavior such as driver’s distraction, drowsy driving, or not focusing on traffic. Therefore, how to use modern technology to make drivers driving more safely becomes more and more important. The most common technology is Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS). By fast computer processing, the vehicle is able to recognize where the lane line position and knows whether it is safe now. If lane departure happens, the system can call driver’s attention back to traffic with warnings to prevent car accident. Lane detection is the most important part of LDWS. This thesis tries to detect lane lines through a learning analysis with captured images from a single-lens camera facing toward vehicle front.
In our proposed system, it starts with image pre-processing such as images resizing, gray scaling, sharpness and equalization for every frame. Using edge detection to extract edge features and Haar-like feature cascade classifier with Adaboost to detect lane lines. Finally, to speed up analysis and improve the accuracy of analysis results by reducing the range and data amount using simple lane tracking with record and motion vector prediction.
Experimental results show that our proposed learning-based lane detection method is able to detect the lane lines accurately, especially in some scenes, such as nighttime, roads with shadow of objects, or complex lane markings.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070056808