Title: 臺灣證券交易所掛牌ETFs之追蹤誤差
The tracking error of ETFs in Taiwan
Authors: 陳亭亭
Chen, Ting-Ting
Hsieh, Wen-Liang
Keywords: ETFs;追蹤誤差;成本費用;現金股利;槓桿/反向ETFs;停牌;ETFs;Tracking Error;Costs;Cash Dividends;Leveraged/Inverse ETFs;halted Stocks
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 指數股票型基金的目的在於複製標的指數的報酬,本篇論文分析臺股、陸股和港股ETFs的追蹤誤差,並將追蹤誤差分為定價誤差與模擬誤差兩部分討論。首先拆解並衡量造成ETFs追蹤誤差的成分因素,分別探討成本費用、現金股利是否會顯著影響ETFs一個月的累積追蹤誤差;ETFs的複製方式、投資標的所在地區是否顯著影響ETFs追蹤誤差,並且透過比較槓桿、反向和一般傳統ETFs,討論槓桿、反向ETFs是否存在較高的追蹤誤差,再單獨就陸股ETFs觀察指數成分股停牌對ETFs追蹤誤差的影響程度;最後將所有影響ETFs追蹤誤差的因素放入同一個模型當中,比較各別的影響程度。
The purpose of Exchange Traded Funds is replicating the underlying index return, this paper analyzes the tracking error of Taiwan stock ETFs, China stock ETFs, and Hong Kong stock ETFs. I divide the tracking error into two parts-the pricing error and the replication error, and discuss them. The study firstly measures the components of tracking error and discussing how costs and cash dividends affect the monthly cumulative tracking error. Secondly, I discuss how different replication methods and different investment areas (Taiwan, China, or Hong Kong) affect the tracking error of ETFs. Moreover, the paper compares tracking performance of leveraged ETFs, inverse ETFs, and traditional ETFs. Third, I observe the influence of the weight of stocks being halted for trading on the ETFs tracking error. Finally, we include all influential factors in one model and compare their impact on the ETF tracking error.
The results show that the costs and cash dividends affect the one month cumulative tracking error significantly. In terms of replication methods, the ETFs using the full replication method have the smallest tracking errors, whereas the ETFs using synthetic simulation method have the largest tracking errors. In average, tracking error of China and Hong Kong stock ETFs are greater than that of the Taiwan stock ETFs. Hong Kong stock ETFs have the largest pricing errors, and China stock ETFs have the largest replication error. Leveraged ETFs and inverse ETFs have greater tracking errors than traditional ETFs, all because of the larger replication error for leveraged ETFs and the pricing error for inverse ETFs. The weight of halted stocks in ETFs significantly affects the replication error only because the China stock ETFs traded in Taiwan are often replicated by holding futures positions in addition to the index constituent stocks.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353910
Appears in Collections:Thesis