標題: 白內障手術與青光眼患者的眼壓和視野受損值之相關性研究
Study of the Association between Cataract Surgery versus Intraocular Pressure and Visual Field Loss in Glaucoma Patients
作者: 黃婉茹
Huang, Wan-Ru
Wang, Hsiuying
Ko, Mei-Lan
關鍵字: 青光眼;白內障;眼壓;視野;迴歸模型;Glaucoma;cataract;intraocular pressure;visual field;regresstion
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 青光眼是一種可導致眼盲的疾病,在全球亦是造成失明的原因之一。病人患青光眼疾病後,視神經會異常,根據研究,眼壓的下降有助於減緩青光眼的惡化。接受白內障手術後,眼壓是否會下降是本研究的重點之一,我們蒐集了一些樣本分別是患青光眼病人以及正常人,來分析兩組白內障手術後眼壓下降的差異性,此外,我們也研究青光眼病患術後用藥種類的減少與視力的改善的顯著性。視野的觀察值亦是青光眼重要的指標之一,視野資料屬於長期資料,故我們蒐集2年以上的視野資料,去討論病人有無接受過白內障手術的視野圖變化差異性,我們使用三個迴歸模型去分析,並且比較三個迴歸模型的優劣性。
Glaucoma is one of the world's leading causes of total loss of vision. According to previous studies, reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP) can prevent worsening of Glaucoma. In this study, we investigate the change of IOP after cataract surgery in two groups. We collect samples including Glaucoma patients and healthy people to analyze the change of IOP after cataract surgery. In addition, we also compare the course of glaucomatous visual field loss whether a glaucomatous patient had cataract surgery or not. We fit the data with 3 regression models and compare the performance of these 3 regression models.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352607