Title: | 企業行動平台研發之個案研究 A Case Study of Enterprise Mobile System Development |
Authors: | 羅仁智 吳永照 LUO, JEN-CHIH Wu, Yung Chao 工學院工程技術與管理學程 |
Keywords: | 企業行動即時通訊平台;資訊安全;Enterprise Mobile Instant Messaging Platform;Information Security |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 隨著4G速率提升與智慧型行動裝置的普及,愈來愈多人將行動即時通訊軟體應用在職場公務上的溝通,企業的資訊策略發展也由原本的「E化」轉為「M化」。然而,這樣的改變對於企業而言卻是二難,一方面希望藉由免費的行動即時通訊軟體來提升溝通效率,卻擔心公司內部的機密資料經由手機洩漏出去,衍伸資訊安全的問題;另一方面,行動即時通訊軟體在企業營運管理上能帶給企業更有效率的管理,讓管理要求的滲透力更準確且即時地傳遞到需收到訊息的同仁,但目前一般免費即時軟體皆無法滿足企業需求,因此,越來越多公司選擇開發導入企業行動平台。
本研究以個案公司之實際案例,說明開發導入企業行動平台的時程與計畫,探討在建置過程中所遇到的困難,研究結果顯示,企業自建行動平台可確保資訊安全,並滿足機密性、完整性與可用性。對企業而言,除了可以整合溝通平台外,對於生產資訊掌握、管理滲透力提升、MVPN覆蓋率及議題討論等皆有正面的效益。但相對的,也會因為隱私權問題、網路費用增加與生活品質受影響等因素,造成使用者的抗拒。此外導入企業行動平台對企業而言屬於創新變革,除了要有高階主管的參與及支持外,系統的實用性、易用性與整合性也相當重要,同時專案團隊也必須善於溝通協調並落實教育訓練,才容易推行成功。 With the rising 4G speed and popularization of smart mobile devices, more and more people are taking instant messaging application into business communication, and Enterprise’s information strategy development is also changed from Electronic to Mobilize. However, such changes had become a difficult choice of most enterprises, one side, they wish to increase communication efficiency by using free instant messaging applications, but information security problem of internal confidential information leakage is also rising. On the other side, mobile instant messaging application could bring much efficient management in business operation, management penetration will be more accurate and information will be instantly spread to those personnel need to know; however, current messaging applications on markets are not able to satisfy enterprise demands, therefore, more and more companies has chosen to develop enterprise mobile platform. This research will take actual case of company, explaining the schedule and plan of enterprise mobile instant messaging platform development and introduction, investigating difficulties encountered during the whole development. Research result shows out, in-house enterprise instant messaging platform could secure information safety and satisfy confidentiality, integrity, and availability. For most of enterprises, this will not only integrate communication platforms, there will be also positive efficiency towards production information handling, management penetration rising, MVPN coverage, and issue discussion. Relatively speaking, this will cause resists from users while some factors reveals such as privacy concerns, data roaming fee increasing, and living quality being affected. Moreover, enterprise instant messaging platform implementation is also an innovation of companies. Not only the participation and supports from high level managements, system applicability, accessibility, and integration are also important factors. At the same time, with good communication and coordination of project team and systematically training, the implementation could be successfully executed. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079870502 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/143498 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |