標題: 主管不当督导对部属之主管导向偏差行为的影响:谈回应策略的调节效果与LMX的中介作用
The Impacts of Abusive Supervision on Subordinates' Supervisor-directed Deviance: The Moderating Effect of Coping Strategies and the Mediation Effect of LMX
作者: 陈淑贞
Shu-Chen Chen
Ming-Jie Tsai
Na-Ting Liu
Yi-Ching Liu
關鍵字: 主管不当督导;主管导向偏差行为;领导者-成员交换关系;问题导向回应;情绪导向回应;Abusive Supervision;Supervisor-directed Deviance;LMX;Problem-focus Coping;Emotion-focus Coping
公開日期: 1-Apr-2018
出版社: 国立交通大学
National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本研究的目的是探讨主管不当督导与部属的主管导向偏差行为之间的关联性。另外,加入部属的回应策略作为调节变数,以及加入领导者-成员交换关系(LMX) 作为中介变数,提出调节式中介模型,探讨问题导向回应策略 (直接沟通与迎合策略)、情绪导向回应策略 (避免接触、寻求支持与重新架构策略) 是否会对主管不当督导与领导者-成员交换关系(LMX)的关系产生调节效果,进而影响部属之主管导向偏差行为。本研究采取两阶段发放问卷,回收有效问卷417 份,研究发现:当部属采用问题导向之回应策略 (迎合策略) 时,会弱化主管不当督导与领导者-成员交换关系(LMX) 的负向关系,并透过领导者-成员交换关系(LMX)进而影响部属之主管导向偏差行为。另一方面,当部属采用情绪导向之回应策略 (避免接触、寻求支持、重新架构策略) 时,会强化主管不当督导与领导者-成员交换关系(LMX) 的负向关系,并透过领导者-成员交换关系(LMX) 进而影响部属之主管导向偏差行为。最后,文中针对研究发现提出若干管理意涵与建议。
The purpose of this research is to explore the relationships between abusive supervision and subordinates’ supervisor-directed deviance. Moreover, this study develops a moderated-mediation model integrating coping strategy as moderator and LMX as mediator to explore whether problem-focus coping (i.e. direct communication and ingratiatory) and emotional-focus coping (i.e. avoiding contact and seeking support and reframing) moderate the relationship between abusive supervision and LMX, then influence subordinates’supervisor-directed deviance. We adopt two-stage surveys to distribute the questionnaires and 417 valid questionnaires are returned. This study finds that problem-focus coping strategy (i.e. ingratiatory strategy) can weak the negative relationship between abusive supervision and LMX,then influence subordinates’ supervisor-directed deviance. On the other hand, emotion-focus coping strategy (i.e. avoiding contact, seeking support and reframing) can strength the negative relationship between abusive supervision and LMX, then influence subordinates’ supervisor-directed deviance. Finally, based on the research findings, we provide several managerial suggestions and the future research directions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/143788
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理与系统
Journal of Management and System
Volume: 25
Issue: 2
起始頁: 115
結束頁: 143
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System