標題: 645-GHz InP heterojunction bipolar transistor harmonic oscillator
作者: Yun, J.
Kim, J.
Yoon, D.
Rieh, J. -S.
National Chiao Tung University
關鍵字: heterojunction bipolar transistors;harmonic oscillators;indium compounds;wide band gap semiconductors;III-V semiconductors;millimetre wave oscillators;heterojunction bipolar transistor harmonic oscillator;common-base cross-coupled topology;second harmonic signal;push-push operation;bias variation;terahertz imaging;signal source;frequency 561;5 GHz to 645;1 GHz;power 49;3 mW;InP
公開日期: 26-十月-2017
摘要: 645-GHz signal generation with a harmonic oscillator based on a 250-nm InP heterojunction bipolar transistor technology is demonstrated. The oscillator is based on the common-base cross-coupled topology, generating a second harmonic signal through the push-push operation. The fabricated oscillator exhibits oscillation frequencies ranging from 561.5 to 645.1 GHz with bias variation. The measured peak output power is -17.4 dBm with a dc power dissipation of 49.3 mW (dc-to-RF efficiency of 0.04%). Additionally, terahertz imaging was successfully demonstrated with the developed oscillator employed as a signal source.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/el.2017.2754
ISSN: 0013-5194
DOI: 10.1049/el.2017.2754
Volume: 53
起始頁: 1475
結束頁: 1476