標題: DFT/IDFT-free receiving scheme for spread-OFDM signals employing low-sampling-rate ADCs
作者: Lin, Chi-Hsiang
Lin, Chun-Ting
Wei, Chia-Chien
Chi, Sien
Institute of Photonic System
公開日期: 30-十月-2017
摘要: This paper presents a DFT/IDFT-free receiving scheme for spread-OFDM signals. Leveraging sub-Nyquist sampling and proper sampling delay, the proposed scheme enables each user to receive the requested data without the need for DFT and IDFT; thus, the complexity at receiver can be greatly reduced. Nonetheless, DC component is altered in an AC coupling system, such that severe waveform distortion is caused when the process of DFT/IDFT is omitted. Thus, a DC-zeroing algorithm is proposed to guarantee constant DC after sub-Nyquist sampling, thereby eliminating such distortion. To experimentally verify the concept of proposed scheme, a 27.15-Gbit/s optical spread-OFDM signal was transmitted over fiber and received by the DFT/IDFT-free scheme with sub-Nyquist sampling. More users will reduce the required sampling rate at receiver; for the case of 16 users, the required sampling rate for the 27.15-Gbit/s signal is as low as 1 GSample/s. The experimental results show that error-free transmission was achievable, and the penalty due to lowering sampling rate (i.e., increasing the number of users) is insignificant. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.25.027750
ISSN: 1094-4087
DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.027750
Volume: 25
Issue: 22
起始頁: 27750
結束頁: 27757


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