標題: Relationships of channel power, noncoercive influence strategies, climate, and solidarity: A real case study of the Taiwanese PDA industry
作者: Hu, TL
Sheu, JB

Department of Transportation and Logistics Management
關鍵字: channel relationship management;channel power;noncoercive influence strategy;channel climate;solidarity
公開日期: 1-Jul-2005
摘要: The management of channel relations has a significant impact on a firm's operational competitiveness; however, there is a lack of published research to better understand the linkages between channel relationships and channel power, noncoercive influence strategies, as well as channel climate and channel solidarity. This paper develops a model showing the linkages among these dimensions of channel relationships. Using linear structural relations (LISREL), a model of the Taiwanese personal digital assistant industry is developed to illustrate these interactions. The corresponding empirical test results indicate that channel climate has a significant impact on channel solidarity; however, this impact may be mitigated by both channel power and the use of noncoercive influence strategies. In addition, both mutual trust among channel members and continuity of the relationship have a positive influence on channel solidarity. Channel members with relatively more power appear able to determine the degree of channel solidarity through the use of effective noncoercive influence strategies. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2004.10.005
ISSN: 0019-8501
DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2004.10.005
Volume: 34
Issue: 5
起始頁: 447
結束頁: 461
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