Title: Dynamic morphogenesis of dendritic structures formation in hen egg white lysozyme fibrils doped with magnetic nanoparticles
Authors: Tomasovicova, Natalia
Hu, Po-Sheng
Zeng, Cyun-Lun
Hurakova, Maria
Csach, Kornel
Majorosova, Jozefina
Kubovcikova, Martina
Kopcansky, Peter
Institute of Photonic System
Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics
Keywords: Magnetic nanoparticles;Lysozyme fibrils;Self-assembly
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2018
Abstract: In this research, the dynamic process of aggregation that forms microflower morphology in solution of lysozyme amyloid fibrils doped with spherical or spindle-like magnetic nanoparticles during the process of drying as well as their final microstructures were investigated. The prepared lysozyme amyloid fibrils as well as their mixtures with in-lab synthesized magnetic particles, which were prepared by adding the nanoparticles to the fibrils solution after the process of fibrillation was done, were characterized using brightfield trans-illumination-mode optical microscope, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Brightfield optical imaging bases upon photoabsorptive property of the fibrils-nanoparticle composites clearly reveals the morphological features in microscale, and additionally, for the in vivo, live action of the time-dependent process of self-assembly of such composites composed of fibrillary structure incorporated with magnetic particles was optically elucidated at ambient temperature. Moreover, while results of AFM reveal delicate and peculiar association of fibrils with magnetic nanoparticles of different shapes, SEM images illustrate a stark difference in fine detailed final morphology of microstructures associated with spherical and spindle-like nanoparticles. Our results indicated that the interaction between fibrils solution and the nanoparticles commence right after mixing, the dynamic process of forming dendritic structure resembling microflower morphology is on the order of minutes, and its final structure is highly dependent on the shape of magnetic nanoparticles. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.10.038
ISSN: 0927-7765
DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.10.038
Volume: 161
Begin Page: 457
End Page: 463
Appears in Collections:Articles