Title: Aqueous Solution-Processable, Flexible Thin-Film Transistors Based on Crosslinked Chitosan Dielectric Thin Films
Authors: Singh, Ranjodh
Lin, Yen-Ting
Ko, Fu-Hsiang
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Keywords: biomaterial;crosslinking of chitosan;flexible;transistor;ZnO nanorods
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2018
Abstract: The hydrophilic character of chitosan (CS) limits its use as a gate dielectric material in thin-film transistors (TFTs) based on aqueous solution-processable semiconductor materials. In this study, this drawback is overcome through controlled crosslinking of CS and report, for the first time, its application to aqueous solution-processable TFTs. In comparison to natural CS thin films, crosslinked chitosan (Cr-CS) thin films are hydrophobic. The dielectric properties of Cr-CS thin films are explored through fabrication of metal-insulator-metal devices on a flexible substrate. Compared to natural CS, the Cr-CS dielectric thin films show enhanced environmental and water stabilities, with a high breakdown voltage (10 V) and low leakage current (0.02 nA). The compatibility of Cr-CS dielectric thin films with aqueous solution-processable semiconductors is demonstrated by growing ZnO nanorods via a hydrothermal method to fabricate flexible TFT devices. The ZnO nanorod-based TFTs show a high field-effect mobility (linear regime) of 10.48 cm(2) V-1 s(-1). Low temperature processing conditions (below 100 degrees C) and water as the solvent are utilized to ensure the process is environmental friendly to address the e-waste problem.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mame.201700468
ISSN: 1438-7492
DOI: 10.1002/mame.201700468
Volume: 303
Appears in Collections:Articles