Title: A Novel Anti-Spoofing Solution for Iris Recognition Toward Cosmetic Contact Lens Attack Using Spectral ICA Analysis
Authors: Hsieh, Sheng-Hsun
Li, Yung-Hui
Wang, Wei
Tien, Chung-Hao
Department of Photonics
Keywords: spectral imaging;independent component analysis;iris recognition
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2018
Abstract: In this study, we maneuvered a dual-band spectral imaging system to capture an iridal image from a cosmetic-contact-lens-wearing subject. By using the independent component analysis to separate individual spectral primitives, we successfully distinguished the natural iris texture from the cosmetic contact lens (CCL) pattern, and restored the genuine iris patterns from the CCL-polluted image. Based on a database containing 200 test image pairs from 20 CCL-wearing subjects as the proof of concept, the recognition accuracy (False Rejection Rate: FRR) was improved from FRR = 10.52% to FRR = 0.57% with the proposed ICA anti-spoofing scheme.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s18030795
ISSN: 1424-8220
DOI: 10.3390/s18030795
Journal: SENSORS
Volume: 18
Appears in Collections:Articles