Title: Functionally graded piezoelectric-piezomagnetic fibrous composites
Authors: Kuo, Hsin-Yi
Hsin, Kai-Chi
Department of Civil Engineering
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2018
Abstract: We investigate the magnetoelectric effect and potential fields of functionally graded multiferroic fibrous composites under anti-plane shear deformation coupled to in-plane electric and magnetic fields. The cylinders are exponentially graded along the radial direction. Rayleigh's formalism and composite cylinder assemblage model are generalized to account for the configuration. We find that the grading parameter has a dramatic effect on the potential field of the inclusion and the effective property of the composite. We adopt this approach to numerically study the exponentially graded composite and provide insights into developing new multiferroic fibrous media with high magnetoelectric coupling.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00707-017-2065-3
ISSN: 0001-5970
DOI: 10.1007/s00707-017-2065-3
Volume: 229
Begin Page: 1503
End Page: 1516
Appears in Collections:Articles