Title: Exploring the power scaling of the cryogenic 946 nm monolithic laser
Authors: Cho, Chun-Yu
Huang, Tzu-Lin
Cheng, Hao-Ping
Huang, Kai-Feng
Chen, Yung-Fu
Department of Electrophysics
Keywords: diode pumped;monolithic laser;cryogenic cooling;Nd:YAG
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2018
Abstract: The criterion for achieving power scaling of the cryogenically cooled monolithic 946 nm laser is investigated by varying crystal length. Theoretical analysis of the mode-to-pump size matching indicates that the optimal power can be obtained with a crystal length of 8 mm. Furthermore, the pump-wavelength dependence of the output power can be less sensitive when a longer crystal was employed. We demonstrate 946 nm monolithic lasers with various crystal lengths to verify the theoretical analysis. The highest output power (30.2 W) is obtained by using an 8 mm Nd:YAG crystal at 130 K. Moreover, the output power reduction ratio is found to be smaller than 15% with the pump wavelength fluctuating between +/- 1 nm.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1612-202X/aac357
ISSN: 1612-2011
DOI: 10.1088/1612-202X/aac357
Volume: 15
Appears in Collections:Articles