標題: An analysis of Taiwanese eighth graders' science achievement, scientific epistemological beliefs and cognitive structure outcomes after learning basic atomic theory
作者: Tsai, CC
Center of Teacher Education
公開日期: 1-四月-1998
摘要: This study explored the interrelationships between students' general science achievement, scientific epistemological beliefs and their cognitive structure outcomes derived from instruction of basic atomic theory. Research data were mainly !gathered from 48 Taiwanese eighth graders' questionnaire responses and their recalled scientific information about the atomic model, analysed by a flow map technique as evidence of their cognitive structures. This stud! revealed that students' science achievement was correlated with many of the students' cognitive structure outcomes; however, their scientific epistemological beliefs were also significantly related to the structure of knowledge recall, following their listening to a replay of their prior elicited recall. Students holding more constructivist-oriented views about science tended to recall more information, as well as show more richness, more flexibility and a higher precision of knowledge recall, indicating the!: had a better metacognitive ability when reconstructing their ideas than respondents having empiricist-aligned epistemological beliefs. However, those students having constructivist-oriented epistemological orientations tended to have a slower information retrieval rare.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/14544
ISSN: 0950-0693
Volume: 20
Issue: 4
起始頁: 413
結束頁: 425


  1. 000073237700003.pdf

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