Title: Linear response eigenvalue problem solved by extended locally optimal preconditioned conjugate gradient methods
Authors: Bai ZhaoJun
Li RenCang
Lin WenWei
National Chiao Tung University
Keywords: eigenvalue problem;linear response;deflation;conjugate-gradient;deflation
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2016
Abstract: The locally optimal block preconditioned 4-d conjugate gradient method (LOBP4dCG) for the linear response eigenvalue problem was proposed by Bai and Li (2013) and later was extended to the generalized linear response eigenvalue problem by Bai and Li (2014). We put forward two improvements to the method: A shifting deflation technique and an idea of extending the search subspace. The deflation technique is able to deflate away converged eigenpairs from future computation, and the idea of extending the search subspace increases convergence rate per iterative step. The resulting algorithm is called the extended LOBP4dCG (ELOBP4dCG). Numerical results of the ELOBP4dCG strongly demonstrate the capability of deflation technique and effectiveness the search space extension for solving linear response eigenvalue problems arising from linear response analysis of two molecule systems.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11425-016-0297-1
ISSN: 1674-7283
DOI: 10.1007/s11425-016-0297-1
Volume: 59
Begin Page: 1443
End Page: 1460
Appears in Collections:Articles