標題: A conceptual framework for managing end-user computing by the total quality management strategy
作者: Chang, PL
Shen, PD
College of Management
Department of Management Science
公開日期: 1-二月-1997
摘要: As organizations face diverse changes, staff members require increasing amounts of information to manage task uncertainty and complexity. Information technology continues to improve. End-users using, developing and establishing application systems - referred to as end-user computing (EUC) - have grown rapidly in organizations. Although EUC can improve an organization's effectiveness, its resistance to control keeps it from bringing the expected benefits and often results in wasted investment. Organizations implementing total quality management (TQM) objectives are those which are boosting quality and effectiveness throughout the organization. The essence of TQM is a convergence management process, while EUC's essence is that of diverging innovation. This paper proposes a framework for managing EUC under TQM, thinking that the TQM strategy can solve the problems and risks produced in EUC. In view of the need for high quality information, implementation of TQM can contribute continuous improvement to EUC activity. Applying the EUC empowerment concept can enforce autonomy and responsibility in EUC activity and increase the satisfaction of the organization's internal and external customers. The result is that EUC retains its inherent freedom and flexibility, alongside the quality culture and high quality information produced under TQM.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/14560
ISSN: 0954-4127
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
起始頁: 91
結束頁: 102


  1. A1997WR57000008.pdf

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