標題: Concentration of Magnetic Beads Utilizing Light-Induced Electro-Osmosis Flow
作者: Yang, Shih-Mo
Harishchandra, Punde Tushar
Yu, Tung-Ming
Liu, Ming-Huei
Hsu, Long
Liu, Cheng-Hsien
Department of Electrophysics
關鍵字: Electro-osmosis flow;light-induced dielectrophoresis;magnetic beads;TiOPc
公開日期: 1-十月-2011
摘要: Magnetic beads are widely utilized for separating biomolecules, DNA and RNA. Traditionally, bulk magnet is utilized for manipulation these particles but when it comes to microscale bulk magnet is not the efficient method. Here, we utilize an organic photoconductive material, TiOPc, to generate light-induced electro-osmosis flow on chip. The fabrication process is convenient to be handled by the researchers and biologists without cleanroom IC fabrication facility. When specifically designed light pattern is projected onto the TiOPc substrate, the conductivity of the organic material layer within the illuminating region increases and the charges are locally assembled on its surface to form a virtual electrode. With an external ac voltage of 5 Vpp at 10 kHz, numerous magnetic beads are attracted from the nonilluminating region toward the center of light-pattern illuminating region. Driven by the moving light image, the grouped magnetic beads can be manipulated and merged in a desired way or direction. The light manipulation process provides a flexible and convenient approach for in vitro control of magnetic beads. We expect that this light-driven technology would display a multifunctional platform for manipulation of microparticles.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMAG.2011.2158194
ISSN: 0018-9464
DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2158194
Volume: 47
Issue: 10
起始頁: 2418
結束頁: 2421


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