Title: Flicker Noise and Power Performance of CMOS Gilbert Mixers Using Static and Dynamic Current-Injection Techniques
Authors: Wei, Hung-Ju
Meng, Chinchun
Chien, Hsin-I
Lu, Hsi-Liang
Syu, Jin-Siang
Huang, Guo-Wei
College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Keywords: Flicker Noise;Gilbert Mixer;CMOS;Static;Dynamic;Current Injection
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2010
Abstract: The Gilbert Mixers using static and dynamic current-injection techniques are all implemented in 0.13 mu m CMOS technology. As the experimental results, the dynamic injection technique has higher conversion gain, less sensitivity to current injection, smaller required LO power, better noise figure and lower flicker noise when the transistor size and biasing condition are the same as that of static injection technique for a fair comparison.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/146385
Begin Page: 542
End Page: 545
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper