Title: Rumor Source Detection in Unicyclic Graphs
Authors: Yu, Pei-Duo
Tan, Chee Wei
Fu, Hung-Lin
National Chiao Tung University
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2017
Abstract: Detecting information source in viral spreading has important applications such as to root out the culprit of a rumor spreading in online social networks. In particular, given a snapshot observation of the network topology of nodes having the rumor, how to accurately identify the initial source of the spreading? In the seminal work [Shah et el. 2011], this problem was formulated as a maximum likelihood estimation problem and solved using a rumor centrality approach for graphs that are degree-regular trees. The case of graphs with cycles is an open problem. In this paper, we address the maximum likelihood estimation problem by a generalized rumor centrality for spreading in unicyclic graphs. In particular, we derive a generalized rumor centrality that leads to a new graph-theoretic design approach to inference algorithms.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/147038
ISSN: 2475-420X
Begin Page: 439
End Page: 443
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper