Title: A 501mW 7.61Gb/s Integrated Message-Passing Detector and Decoder for Polar-Coded Massive MIMO Systems
Authors: Chen, Yan-Tong
Cheng, Chung-Chao
Tsai, Tsung-Lin
Sun, Wei-Cheng
Ueng, Yeong-Luh
Yang, Chia-Hsiang
National Chiao Tung University
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2017
Abstract: This work presents the first integration of a message-passing detector (MPD) and a polar decoder. A soft-output MPD, which is essential to approach the channel capacity, is first proposed. Compared to the state-of-the-art design, the proposed MPD achieves a 6.9x higher throughput with 49% lower energy, despite the soft outputs. The proposed polar decoder achieves a 1.35x higher throughput with comparable energy. The chip delivers a throughput of 7.61Gb/s for massive MIMO systems with up to 128 antennas and 32 users.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/147222
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper