標題: Prism-hologram-prism sandwiched recording method for polarization-selective substrate-mode volume holograms with a large diffraction angle
作者: Hsu, Fan-Hsi
Han, Chien-Yuan
Chen, Kun-Huang
Hsu, Ken-Yuh
Chen, Jing-Heng
Department of Photonics
公開日期: 6-八月-2018
摘要: We propose a prism-hologram-prism sandwiched recording method for the fabrication of polarization-selective substrate-mode volume holograms with a large diffraction angle. In fabrication, the C-RT20 photopolymer is sandwiched between two 45 degrees-90 degrees-45 degrees prisms and the interference fringes can be easily recorded in the recording material. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions. The proposed method features of a reflection-type recording setup for a transmission element and belongs to a technique of longer-wavelength construction for shorter-wavelength reconstruction. In addition, the method is much easier than the traditional recording method of two incident beam interference and has application potential in holographic photonics. (c) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.020534
ISSN: 1094-4087
DOI: 10.1364/OE.26.020534
Volume: 26
起始頁: 20534
結束頁: 20543