Title: A Switched Systems Approach to Image-Based Localization of Targets That Temporarily Leave the Camera Field of View
Authors: Parikh, Anup
Cheng, Teng-Hu
Licitra, Ryan
Dixon, Warren E.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Keywords: Computer vision;estimation;range sensing;switched systems;visual tracking
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2018
Abstract: Image sensors have widespread use in many robotics applications and, in particular, in target tracking. While existing methods assume continuous image feedback, the novelty of this brief stems from the development of dwell time conditions to guarantee convergence of state estimates to an ultimate bound for a class of image-based observers in the presence of intermittent measurements. A Lyapunov analysis for the switched system is performed to develop convergence conditions based on the minimum amount of time the object must be visible and on the maximum amount of time the object may remain outside the camera view. Experimental results are included to verify the theoretical results and elucidate real-world performance.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TCST.2017.2753163
ISSN: 1063-6536
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2017.2753163
Volume: 26
Begin Page: 2149
End Page: 2156
Appears in Collections:Articles