标题: Strain-mediated magnetoelectric storage, transmission, and processing: Putting the squeeze on data
作者: Domann, John
Wu, Tao
Chung, Tien-Kan
Carman, Greg
Department of Mechanical Engineering
关键字: magnetic;ferroelectric;piezoelectric;nanoscale;memory
公开日期: 1-十一月-2018
摘要: Strain-mediated magnetoelectric coupling provides a powerful method for controlling nanoscale magnetism with an electric voltage. This article reviews the initial use of macroscale composites and subsequent experimental control of magnetic thin films, nanoscale heterostructures, and single domains. The discussion highlights several characteristics enabling small, fast, and energy-efficient technologies. The second section covers applications where strain-mediated magnetoelectricity has been used, with emphasis on the storage, transmission, and processing of information (i.e., memory, antenna, and logic devices). These advances are order-of-magnitude improvements over conventional technologies, and open up exciting new possibilities.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/mrs.2018.260
ISSN: 0883-7694
DOI: 10.1557/mrs.2018.260
Volume: 43
起始页: 848
结束页: 853