標題: Enhancement for Potential-Induced Degradation Resistance of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells via Anti-Reflection Coating by Industrial PECVD Methods
作者: Chen, Tsung-Cheng
Kuo, Ting-Wei
Lin, Yu-Ling
Ku, Chen-Hao
Yang, Zu-Po
Yu, Ing-Song
Institute of Photonic System
關鍵字: anti-reflection coating;potential-induced degradation;solar cell;plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
公開日期: 1-十二月-2018
摘要: The issue of potential-induced degradation (PID) has gained more concerns due to causing the catastrophic failures in photovoltaic (PV) modules. One of the approaches to diminish PID is to modify the anti-reflection coating (ARC) layer upon the front surface of crystalline silicon solar cells. Here, we focus on the modification of ARC films to realize PID-free step-by-step through three delicate experiments. Firstly, the ARC films deposited by direct plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and by indirect PECVD were investigated. The results showed that the efficiency degradation of solar cells by indirect PECVD method is up to -33.82%, which is out of the IEC 62804 standard and is significantly more severe than by the direct PECVD method (-0.82%). Next, the performance of PID-resist for the solar cell via indirect PECVD was improved significantly (PID reduced from -31.82% to -2.79%) by a pre-oxidation step, which not only meets the standard but also has higher throughput than direct PECVD. Lastly, we applied a novel PECVD technology, called the pulsed-plasma (PP) PECVD method, to deal with the PID issue. The results of the HF-etching rate test and FTIR measurement indicated the films deposited by PP PECVD have higher potential against PID in consideration of less oxygen content in this film. That demonstrated the film properties were changed by applied a new control of freedom, i.e., PP method. In addition, the 96 h PID result of the integrated PP method was only -2.07%, which was comparable to that of the integrated traditional CF method. In summary, we proposed three effective or potential approaches to eliminate the PID issue, and all approaches satisfied the IEC 62804 standard of less than 5% power loss in PV modules.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/coatings8120418
ISSN: 2079-6412
DOI: 10.3390/coatings8120418
Volume: 8


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