Title: Finite-size scaling for four-dimensional Higgs-Yukawa model near the Gaussian fixed point
Authors: Chu, David Y. -J.
Jansen, Karl
Knippschild, Bastian
Lin, C. -J. David
Department of Electrophysics
Institute of Physics
Keywords: Lattice Quantum Field Theory;Renormalization Group
Issue Date: 14-Jan-2019
Abstract: We analyse finite-size scaling behaviour of a four-dimensional Higgs-Yukawa model near the Gaussian infrared fixed point. Through improving the mean-field scaling laws by solving one-loop renormalisation group equations, the triviality property of this model can be manifested in the volume-dependence of moments of the scalar-field zero mode. The scaling formulae for the moments are derived in this work with the inclusion of the leading-logarithmic corrections. To test these formulae, we confront them with data from lattice simulations in a simpler model, namely the O(4) pure scalar theory, and find numerical evidence of good agreement. Our results of the finite-size scaling can in principle be employed to establish triviality of Higgs-Yukawa models, or to search for alternative scenarios in studying their fixed-point structure, if sufficiently large lattices can be reached.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/JHEP01(2019)110
ISSN: 1029-8479
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2019)110
Appears in Collections:Articles