會議論文 : [13488]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 13488
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Sep-2021In the Name of Creativity: En Route to Inspiring MachinesChang, Chun-yien; Chen, Ying-ping; Department of Computer Science; 資訊工程學系
1-Jan-2020Application of Universal Design for Design Improvement of HangersLiu, Peng-Jyun; Wang, Ching-yi; Hshieh, Yi-Chun; Su, Lin-Chu; 應用藝術研究所; Institute of Applied Arts
1-Jan-2020Discuss the Use of Lip Gloss and Design Improvement with Universal DesignLiu, Peng-Jyun; Wang, Ching-yi; Hshieh, Yi-Chun; Ku, Pei-Jung; 應用藝術研究所; Institute of Applied Arts
1-Jan-2020An Improved Compressive Tracking Approach Using Multiple Random Feature Extraction AlgorithmDung, Lanrong; Wang, Shih-Chi; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jan-2020Streaming Complexity of Spanning Tree ComputationChang, Yi-Jun; Farach-Colton, Martin; Hsu, Tsan-Sheng; Tsai, Meng-Tsung; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jan-2020Effects of Interacting with a Crowd of Emotional Virtual Humans on Users' Affective and Non-Verbal BehaviorsVolonte, Matias; Hsu, Yu-Chun; Liu, Kuan-Yu; Mazer, Joe P.; Wong, Sai-Keung; Babu, Sabarish, V; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jan-2020Deep Bayesian Data MiningChien, Jen-Tzung; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jan-2020Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Motion Control on Cybersickness in Immersive Virtual EnvironmentsVenkatakrishnan, Roshan; Venkatakrishnan, Rohith; Bhargava, Ayush; Lucaites, Kathryn; Solini, Hannah; Volonte, Matias; Robb, Andrew; Lin, Wen-Chieh; Lin, Yun-Xuan; Babu, Sabarish, V; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jan-2020Design and Initial Evaluation of a VR based Immersive and Interactive Architectural Design Discussion SystemHsu, Ting-Wei; Tsai, Ming-Han; Babu, Sabarish, V; Hsu, Pei-Hsien; Chang, Hsuan-Ming; Lin, Wen-Chieh; Chuang, Jung-Hong; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Jan-2020Learning-based Downlink User Selection Algorithm for UAV-BS Communication NetworkWu, Chu-Peng; Li, Yun-Ruei; Wang, Jing-Ling; Lin, Hsin-Piao; Wang, Li-Chun; Jeng, Shiann-Shiun; Chen, Jen-Yeu; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
1-Jan-2020QoS Improvement of VoIP over SDNJia, Wen-Kang; Chou, Yi-Yu; Chen, Yaw-Chung; 資訊工程學系; Department of Computer Science
1-Jan-2020Optimal Power Allocation and Signal Phase Selection in NOMA Wireless Relay NetworksLiu, Yen-Chun; Gau, Rung-Hung; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
1-Jan-2020Shaping and positioning of topological defects in nematic liquid crystal cells equipped with patterned electrodesTsung, Jieh-Wen; Chen, Bo-Yao; Wang, Ya-Zi; 電子物理學系; Department of Electrophysics
1-Jan-2020Multiphoton and confocal imaging of precisely cut oral cancer tumor sections for personalized medicineChiang, Shu-Jen; Tseng, Po-Hang; Huang, Hsu-Cheng; Chen, Shi-Chi; Chen, Shean-Jen; Lin, Mei-Chun; Lou, Pei-Jen; Dong, Chen-Yuan; 光電學院; College of Photonics
1-Jan-2020Multiphoton imaging of dye penetration dynamics in tissue sectionsTseng, Po-Hang; Chiang, Shu-Jen; Chen, Shean-Jen; Dong, Chen-Yuan; 光電學院; College of Photonics
1-Jan-2020Modeling Liquid Crystal LensesReshetnyak, V. Yu.; Sova, O.; Wang, Yu-Jen; Lin, Yi-Hsin; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Jan-2020GaN-based vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser incorporating a TiO2 high-index-contrast gratingChang, Tsu-Chi; Hashemi, Ehsan; Bengtsson, Jorgen; Gustavsson, Johan; Haglund, Asa; Lu, Tien-Chang; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Jan-2020The photonic properties of micro/mini LED arrays with different substrate thicknessYang, Shu-Mei; Wang, Po-Hsun; Chao, Chia-Hsin; Chu, Chun-Wen; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Chang, Feng-Pin; Fang, Yen-Hsiang; Lin, Chien-Chung; Wu, Chih-, I; 光電系統研究所; Institute of Photonic System
1-Jan-2020Design of Missile Mid-Course Guidance for Constrained Impact AngleChen, B. H.; Chen, T. L.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
1-Jan-2020Modelling and Control of Quad Hybrid Engine Levitating PlatformHou, Y. J.; Chen, T. L.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 13488
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