Title: Quasi-two-dimensional d-spin and p-hole ordering in the three-dimensional perovskite La1/3Sr2/3FeO3
Authors: Okamoto, J.
Huang, D. J.
Chao, K. S.
Huang, S. W.
Hsu, C. -H.
Fujimori, A.
Masuno, A.
Terashima, T.
Takano, M.
Chen, C. T.
Department of Electrophysics
Issue Date: 22-Oct-2010
Abstract: Measurements of resonant soft x-ray magnetic scattering reveal anomalous ordering of 3d spins and 2p holes in perovskite La1/3Sr2/3FeO3, which is known to exhibit three-dimensional (3D) charge and spin ordering along the (111) direction. Upon cooling, a quasi-two-dimensional phase consisting of ferromagnetic and charge-disproportionated [111] trilayers of Fe3+-Fe5+-Fe3+ precedes the development of 3D magnetic ordering at the transition temperature, in sharp contrast to an ordinary transition from the paramagnetic and charge-uniform phase to the antiferromagnetic and charge-disproportionated phase expected according to conventional wisdom.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.82.132402
ISSN: 2469-9950
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.132402
Volume: 82
Issue: 13
Begin Page: 0
End Page: 0
Appears in Collections:期刊論文


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