Title: Single-pole Double-throw Switch Using Stacked-FET Configuration at Millimeter Wave Frequencies
Authors: Mei, Peng-, I
Wu, Guan-Wei
Hsu, Heng-Shou
Huang, Ting-Jui
Tsao, Yi-Fan
Chiang, Che-Yang
Hsu, Heng-Tung
International College of Semiconductor Technology
Keywords: power handling;SPDT switch;stacked-FET;pHEMT
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2018
Abstract: In this paper, we present single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch at Ka-band for phased array front-end applications. The proposed switch composed of three shunt arms and a quarter-wave length impedance transformer in series on each branch. The stacked-FET configuration was adopted to enhance the power handling capability. Implemented with 0.15um GaAs pHEMT technology by WIN Semiconductor, the overall chip size was 2 mm by 1 mm. The measured insertion loss was less than 3 dB with better than 25 dB isolation from 15 GHz to 35 GHz. The proposed configuration also featured an input 1 dB compression point of 26 dBm.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/151000
Begin Page: 791
End Page: 793
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper