Title: Based on Silicon-micro-ring-resonator and Triple-ring Cavity for Stable and Tunable Erbium Fiber Laser
Authors: Hsu, Yung
Chang, Yuan-Chia
Yeh, Chien-Hung
Chow, Chi-Wai
Chen, Jing-Heng
Department of Photonics
Institute of EO Enginerring
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2018
Abstract: In this paper, a stable and wavelength-switchable erbium-doped fiber (EDF) laser by utilizing the silicon-micro-ring-resonator (SMRR) and multiple-fiber-ring (MFR) scheme is demonstrated. Here, three optical couplers (CPs) can construct the passive MFR in the proposed and achieve single-longitudinal-mode (SLM) output simultaneously. The SMRR is used inside a fiber cavity as mode restrict element for wavelength-tuning. By properly adjusting the polarization controllers (PCs), the output wavelength can be tuned in a wavelength range of 1544.35 to 1564.10nm with a similar to 2.0 nm tuning step. Hence, the proposed EDF laser can reach the characteristics of SLM output, 35 kHz output linewidth, and optical single-to-noise ratios (OSNRs) of > 54.9 dB. In addition, the output stabilities of the power and wavelength in the proposed EDF laser are also discussed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/151038
ISSN: 1559-9450
Begin Page: 1399
End Page: 1404
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper