Title: A 80V Output Voltage Boost Converter with Low Voltage Ripple for Avalanche Photodiode(APD)
Authors: Yang, Yao-Yi
Hsieh, Chun-Yu
Huang, Tzu-Chi
Lee, Yu-Huei
Wang, Shih-Wei
Fan, Ming-Yan
Du, Ming-Jhe
Cheng, Shih-Hsien
Chen, Ke-Horng
Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) are widely used in a variety of optical application requiring high sensitivity, such as long-distance optical communication and optical distance measurement, because the APDs can detect the low level light. APDs accompanied with the Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA) are utilized on the receiver side in the communication system. The trend of integrating the active optical components faces the challenge of integrating different voltage levels. In general, the operation voltage of TIA is usually 1.8 V or 3.3 V. However, the APD requires a high reverse-biasing voltage of 40 V - 80 V. Therefore, a high conversation-ratio boost converter must be included to provide the high voltage to bias the APD. Besides, output voltage ripple must be minimized to decrease the influence on communication signals. Experimental results show the 80 V output voltage boosted from the input voltage of 2.5 V. The output voltage ripple is 2 mV under the condition of 1 mA load current.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/15169
ISBN: 978-1-4244-9474-3
ISSN: 0271-4302
Begin Page: 757
End Page: 760
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper