標題: Which slack resources matter? The fit between market orientation and slack resources to innovation
哪種寬裕資源才是必要?市場導向與寬裕資源的配適對 創新績效的影響
作者: Yang-Chieh Chin
Yen-Chih Huang
Cheng-Yu Lee
關鍵字: 新產品開發專案;市場導向;產品創新;流程創新;寬裕資源;New product development project;market orientation;product innovation;process innovation;slack
公開日期: 30-六月-2018
出版社: 交通大學
National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本研究目的為針對市場導向與創新績效的關係中
以188 個臺灣高科技的新產品研發團隊為樣本。本研究使用階層迴歸分析驗證各個研究假設。研究結果顯示: (1)預應性與回應性市場導向皆會對產品創新績效產生正向顯著影響;(2)回應性市場導向會對流程創新績效產生正向顯著影響;(3)在預應性市場導向與產品創新績效關係上
This research aims to advance our understanding of the relationship market orientation (MO) and innovation performance by identifying unabsorbed and absorbed slack as moderators. Based on a survey of 188 product development projects of Taiwanese hi-tech firms
we find that proactive and responsive MO are positively related to product innovation performance
while only responsive MO is positively related to process innovation performance. In addition
we validate that the relationship between proactive MO and product innovation performance is positively moderated by both unabsorbed and absorbed slack. In particular
unabsorbed slack positively moderates the relationship between proactive MO and process innovation performance
but negatively oderates the relationship between responsive MO and product innovation performance. Overall
our findings suggest that project teams engaging in process or product innovations are likely to yield superior performance when they are matched with right market ientation. If hi-tech firms aim to achieve superior innovation performance
they should endeavor to direct their project teams towards right market orientation while simultaneously providing the teams with adequate slack resources.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/152528
ISSN: 1028-7310
期刊: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 38
Issue: 1
起始頁: 1
結束頁: 35


  1. 1028-7310-380101.pdf

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