標題: IL analysis for 8-way power combining network in 77-110 GHz 40 nm-complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor PA design
作者: Huang, Ching-Ying
Wu, Pin-Hsuan
Wu, Kun-Long
Hu, Robert
Chang, Chi-Yang
College of Electrical and Computer Engineering
關鍵字: CMOS integrated circuits;field effect MIMIC;impedance convertors;power combiners;millimetre wave power amplifiers;insertion loss;broadband 8-way power combiner;impedance transformer;RC-loading condition;characteristic impedance;electrical length;shorter line length;mismatched transmission lines;metal lines;loss analysis;quarter-wavelength combiner;power attenuation expression;complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor PA design;millimetre-wave power amplifier;voltage wave multireflection;drain-bias shunt stub;DC-blocking capacitor;cascode transistors;frequency 77;0 GHz to 110;0 GHz;size 40 nm
公開日期: 1-Nov-2019
摘要: In this study, the authors will investigate the insertion loss (IL) of the broadband 8-way power combiner used in their millimetre-wave power amplifier (PA) design. By treating this combiner as impedance transformer under resistor-capacitor (RC)-loading condition, both the characteristic impedance and electrical length of the constituting metal lines can be obtained, where the much shorter line length suggests wider bandwidth and lower IL. However, proper loss analysis must take into account the multi-reflection of voltage wave along these mismatched transmission lines, i.e. the use of the power attenuation expression ${\rm e}<^>{ - 2\alpha L}$e-2 alpha L is just not accurate enough. With their derived equations, it shows that the IL of their proposed 8-way combiner can be as low as 0.92 dB at 94 GHz, which is much smaller than the 1.5 dB for the conventional quarter-wavelength combiner. Mathematics for the IL of the drain-bias shunt stub and the output DC-blocking capacitor has also been derived. As a demonstration, a 77-110 GHz 40 nm-complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor PA made of cascode transistors is then designed that has more than 18 dB gain, and its OP1 dB is around 13 dBm across the whole frequency range.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/iet-cds.2019.0074
ISSN: 1751-858X
DOI: 10.1049/iet-cds.2019.0074
Volume: 13
Issue: 8
起始頁: 1181
結束頁: 1186
Appears in Collections:Articles