標題: Demystifying the demand relationship between online and print products under one newspaper brand: the case of Taiwan and the emergence of a universal pattern
作者: Chyi, Hsiang Iris
Huang, J. Sonia
National Chiao Tung University
關鍵字: newspaper;Internet;Taiwan;media management;journalism
公開日期: 2011
摘要: This study uncovers a universal pattern regarding the oft-misunderstood demand relationship between online and print products under one newspaper brand. Growing from the portfolio management perspective and building on previous research conducted in the US and Hong Kong, this study examines the newspaper market in Taiwan. Secondary analysis of survey data collected from 7706 Web users confirmed that: (1) the print edition attains a much higher penetration relative to its online counterpart, suggesting that more people would rather consume the print edition over free Web offerings; and (2) compared with the general public, readers of the online edition were more, not less, likely to read the same newspaper's print edition. Such counter-intuitive findings carry important theoretical and managerial implications regarding the management of multiple product offerings under one newspaper brand.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/15408
ISSN: 0129-2986
DOI: 10.1080/01292986.2011.559261
Volume: 21
Issue: 3
起始頁: 243
結束頁: 261


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