標題: Magnetically tunable metallic photonic crystals immersed in liquid crystal for terahertz wave
作者: Pan, Ru-Pin
Shih, Chih-Chang
Tang, Tsung-Ta
Wang, Yow-Gwo
Wu, Hsin-Ying
Lin, Chia-Jen
Pan, Ci-Ling
Department of Electrophysics
關鍵字: Liquid crystal;photonic crystal;Terahertz waves;magnetic field;metallic cylinders
公開日期: 2012
摘要: We investigated the phenomena of a metallic photonic crystal (MPC) immersed in liquid crystal. According to our design, the photonic crystal has specific photonic band gap (PBG) and can be utilized as a filter. The device is filled with nematic liquid crystal (NLC), MDA-00-3461. The refractive indices of NLC can be magnetically controlled by reorienting the NLC molecules. Consequently, the corresponding PBG and the filtering performance of the device are tunable. According to our experimental results, the low frequency boundary of PBG at 0.121 THz can be blue shifted by 6.17 GHz, and the high frequency boundary of PBG at 0.175 THz can be shifted to the blue by 11.04 GHz. As a tunable THz filter, the peak transmittance at 0.187 THz can be blue shifted by 3.66 GHz.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/15414
ISBN: 978-0-81948-922-7
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.915594
Volume: 8279


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