標題: 以多對多標竿學習為基之精實供應商評核機制
Lean Assessment Mechanism of Supplier Based on Multiple-to-Multiple Benchmarking Learning
作者: 蕭堯仁
Yau-Ren Shiau
Shun-Yu Wang
Chia-Kuei Chien
關鍵字: 供應商評核;多對多標竿學習;精實管理;資料包絡分析法;Supplier Assessment;Multiple to Multiple Benchmarking Learning;Lean Management;DEA
公開日期: 1-Apr-2020
出版社: 國立交通大學經營管理研究所
Institute of Business and Magement, National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 在全球經濟區域化之競爭環境下,企業亦須兼顧並提升基本面的管理效益,如強化供應商評核機制之效能,以精實提升供應鏈績效。基於化被動為主動的精神,本研究於供應商評核機制內,嵌入可有效挖掘出供應商間可相互學習及持續改善的精實之處,並形成多對多標竿學習的對象及項目之評核機制,以精實整體供應鏈之表現。本研究以品質、交期、成本、創新研發構面建構供應商評核指標,並引用資料包絡分析法建立評核機制,以篩選出供應商間可多對多相互學習的對象及項目。並藉由該決策選擇模型的系統,在多對多相互學習下,以系統化推動供應商精實管理的持續改善,追蹤改善目標達成,定期進行評核檢討作業,聚焦並提升供應鏈的整體績效表現。
In competitive environments where the global economy is undergoing regionalization, enterprises must consider and improve how they manage efficiency in principal areas of their work, such as strengthening the effectiveness of supplier assessment mechanisms and improving supply chain performance through lean management. In the spirit of taking initiative, the current study identifies areas within the supplier assessment mechanism where suppliers can effectively learn from one another, by embracing lean management and continuous improvement. This process leads to the formation of an assessment mechanism that involves multiple-to-multiple benchmarking learning subjects, and projects that comprise an overall lean supply chain. Supplier assessment indicators are constructed from several dimensions, including quality, delivery, cost, and innovative research and development, and data envelopment analysis is used to establish the assessment mechanism for selecting MBL subjects and projects between suppliers. The multiple-to-multiple benchmarking learning decision selection model is then used to systematically promote the continuous improvement of lean management among suppliers, monitor their achievement of improvement targets, conduct regular assessments and reviews, and focus on and improve overall supply chain performance.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29416/JMS.202004_27(2).0002
ISSN: 1023-9863
DOI: 10.29416/JMS.202004_27(2).0002
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 27
Issue: 2
起始頁: 123
結束頁: 144
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System