標題: 新聞網摘型懶人包超文本敘事新方向初探
New Narrative Directions in Hypertexted Digest-Type News for Dummies
作者: 陳雅惠
Ya-Hui Chen
關鍵字: 懶人包;新聞網摘;超文本;新聞敘事;認知敘事學;news for dummies;news digest;hypertext;news narratives;cognitive narratology
公開日期: 七月-2019
出版社: 國立交通大學傳播與科技學系
Department of Communication & Technology at National Chiao Tung University
Taiwan Academy for Information Society.
摘要: 為了掌握超文本替新聞敘事帶來哪些挑戰,本文以新聞網摘型懶人包為起始,試圖勾勒出二個未來研究新方向:一是新聞網摘型懶人包新文體的出現,乃因著當代網路超文本才能發揮,因而可從超文本的物質性剖析其與敘事的關聯,同時亦可探討如何從敘事中的情節單位去補捉新聞網摘型懶人包對說故事所帶來的新可能。二是從敘事研究的脈絡談起,討論敘事的內涵隨著跨媒體時代來臨,已從靜態文本結構或某些言者的表達風格轉向主體認知的基礎,將閱聽人認知帶入說故事活動,試圖建構出新的故事心像,使說故事此一活動朝向新的理解與詮釋。而此二者將能對超文本敘事設計提出學理的支持,並成為培養數位時代說新聞故事的新技藝。
To determine the challenges imposed on news narratives by hypertexting, this study investigated digest-type news for dummies from two perspectives that could serve as new research directions for future studies. First, digest-type news for dummies only develops into a new literary genre because of the emergence of hypertext. Therefore, the materiality of hypertext illustrates its relationship with narratives and enables researchers to discern, from the plot elements in a narrative, the new possibilities for story-telling created by such digest-type news for dummies. The other direction is the context of narrative research. In this era of cross-media integration, the connotation of narrative has transitioned from the structure of static texts or the expressive style of narrators to subject cognition. Therefore, by bringing audience cognition into the act of storytelling to establish new narrative mental image, the act of storytelling has developed into a new dimension of understanding and interpretation. These two directions are expected to provide theoretic support for hypertext narrative design and become new techniques for relating news in this digital age.
URI: http://ccis.nctu.edu.tw/issue.asp?P_No=48
ISSN: 1680-8428
DOI: 10.29843/JCCIS.201907_(37).0004
期刊: 資訊社會研究
The Journal of Information Society
Issue: 37
起始頁: 87
結束頁: 119


  1. information society3704.pdf

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